The Latino Alumni Association of Columbia University (LAACU) is dedicated to serving the needs of the Latino community. LAACU exists to support, promote and channel the academic, social, professional and development interests of Columbia’s Latino community, both past and present. Each year, the LAACU scholarship supports the deserving Columbia College undergraduate students who have supported the University’s educational mission of diversity through demonstrated advocacy and leadership for the Latino community.
Statements from Past Recipients
“I received this scholarship my senior year at Columbia. It was a sign of not only my community’s support of me but also a reward for all the work I did in the Latinx community in New York. I loved knowing that I had the support of my Latinx community at Columbia when I left. The scholarship is a tangible symbol of that support and gave me confidence as I embarked on my first job out of college.”
-Zila Acosta-Grimes ’11CC, ’15LAW
Receiving the LAACU scholarship allowed me to engage with other students who also received named scholarships. Thanks to the LAACU scholarship, I am working at a nonprofit as an immigration paralegal for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. I look forward to working for justice for the rest of my life.”
-Patricia Pou Jove ’17CC
Making a Gift
To give a gift online, please visit our giving website here and complete the online form.
Gifts via check may be made out to Columbia University with LAACU Scholarship #19110 in the memo line. Mail to:
Columbia Alumni Center
Attn: Mr. Michael Marino
622 West 113th Street, MC 4530
New York, NY 10025
If you have any additional questions please contact Michael Marino, our Fund representative, at 212-851-7486 or [email protected] to discuss your gift.