Madeline Martinez

LAACU Board Secretary

Madeline Martinez is a NY native, Barnard College and Georgetown University graduate, seeking  to forge accessible pathways to Columbia University for residents of the Bronx. With this objective in mind, Madeline sought to be selected as the Secretary for LAACU. Madeline has brought to the secretarial position at LAACU, fresh experience attending, reporting, and planning for inter-governmental meetings as a graduate student working with the Office of Central American Affairs at the US Dept. of State Headquarters in Washington, D.C., the US Export Import Bank and as a consultant working for the New York City Council. She hopes that through consistent collaboration with LAACU’s general body, and Board, she may be able to assist LAACU in launching frequent and widely-popular fundraisers, networking events, and social justice campaigns that will advance the educational, professional and social welfare interests of the vast Latino community affiliated with Columbia University.